Break Ke Baad

5 Sep

Note: For those of you who dint understand the tittle.. it’s very unlikely that you will go on to read my post… but still as i would assume it to be my moral responsibility… the tittle “Break ke Baad” (in Hindi) suggests “After a Break”

It’s been sooooooooooo long… and i feel like i don’t know how to blog anymore. And when i say long… I really do mean long… my last post was in January 2011

It’s amazing what a little Appreciation and few Encouraging words can do to you.

RETHINKING: makes me realize … two years back… I had a very dear friend who relentlessly and sometimes with unnecessary praising pushed me towards writing. Today unfortunately, we aren’t that close anymore.. Mainly because we are a couple of countries apart now !

An old article i read recently – ‘The Art of the Compliment’ published on Psychology Today’s website [] evidently credits compliments for playing a vital role in creating a positive social atmosphere and enhancing the chances of favorable outcomes almost by MAGIC.


Compliments very effectively boost confidence and aid self-esteem. It’s as if like we humans are hungry for it! Every action we undertake, if welcomed with appreciative words becomes a reason for us to be filled with pride.

But, like i have always believed… everything in average amounts is acceptable. If you let these get to your head and heavily influence your direction of thought [OH dear are you in trouble then].

Excessive compliments are bound to make compliment seekers vain. Vanity is a clear attribute of an egotistical maniac. There is a very thin line at the edge of having a good self – esteem … half a step forward and you are into the vanity zone ! Compliment those who accept your compliments with grace. Your precious words are wasted on people who believe compliments are their birth right (NOT HAPPENING AT ALL!).

Furthermore, there is another case of extremist, people who believe they don’t deserve compliments AT ALL. People with wounded self -esteems. So heavily affected that they sometimes can’t help but think that someone who compliments them is doing it out of pity or is just being insincere!

And then there are those who live to do things just to impress people around them and earn compliments. It’s a rat race for them… for most people who fall into this category, begin this race in their school years. At that stage it could be as good as wanting to be the first student to solve a problem so that the teacher pats your back. People who overdo it are actually funny to watch. Once you start interpreting their actions and understand that their only intention behind anything they do is to look good to others and gain compliments, they become hilarious. [Trust me look for a person of this kind among the people you know, I am sure you will find at least one.!]

Moving on, what about the people we know who are truly just misers when it comes to appreciating or praising someone. It’s almost like they are hoarding up compliments [big haha]. Some psychologists suggest that these people are very insecure and therefore don’t allow themselves to appreciate others even if they deserve it !

Mark Twain was noted to have said: “I can live for two months on a good compliment

Try explaining this sentence to yourself. I personally believe a good compliment isn’t the one that has been said using the most beautiful words, but the compliment that just comes from the compliment givers heart and you would know you deserve it. People may not always be liberal with words, but you would know that a pleasant smile and a simple “good” are worth it.

P.S. – compliment someone with sincerity !

The Bond… THAT Bond…!

11 Jan

Sincerity is so unbelievably rare…!

Leave alone judging… it is just too difficult to understand people to begin with…!

To be honest and let them know? Or to lie to keep them happy?

When you are completely aware that 1 sentence spoken can shake their entire being… what would you choose to do…?

Words are my best friend… because they listen to me… quietly…. Acceptingly..!

Sometimes… you don’t need anyone to solve your problem…

Sometimes… you just need someone to willingly listen to what you have to say…

Without judging… without being opinionated….!

What defines a friend…?

It is always the quality of time spent together… not the quantity… for sure!

Someone who will cheer you up no matter how badly it has rained on you…

Someone who always gets you to notice the sunshine…

Someone who is just a call away… that bond is so unbelievably rare!

So hopelessly uncommon.

Hollow Feelings… Shallow Words…

24 Dec

The time spent together just turns into distant.. faded.. memories…  live them through as much as u want in your mind… its something that is never coming back.. ever…!

Forgive and forget… just sounds simple… but is it really possible… to forget what you’ve gone through..?

They say you learn from your experiences… which indirectly means… you don’t ever forget right…?

Is it ok to let your past experiences reflect on or influence your current thoughts…?

Is it normal..?

Is this how it is supposed to be…?

Words said in anger… are words just blurted out without any meaning… or are they the actual thoughts of a person…?

No matter how hard you try to let go… you still remember right…? Is that referred to as being stuck up…?

You may WANT to remember the 100 good times that you shared.. but sometimes… the one extremely bad thing that happened washes it all away…

Its just a bad … sad… phase.. maybe… but its surely difficult to overcome it…

Trying to focus all your positivity towards letting it go .. just doesn’t work all the time right…?

You just end up feeling that you’ve been trying to think positive and hoping for a happy ending for no apparently logical reason…

How long are you expected… to hold on…?

To be positive…?

To be nice…?

How long…? When will I ever ‘actually’ feel positive…?

Why do I always have to force myself to be positive…?

EXPECTATIONS – good or bad…? Just pure pressure…!

Your outlook means so many different things to different people…

Living up to them is not always easy…

And sometimes … or rather most of the times.. it just changes and/or alters the person you truly are…


Ever felt like you expected something from someone… maybe a particular level of understanding… and that person just completely overshadows your point of view…?

NEGATIVITY – all around me… and what happens when the people I care about start to sulk as well…

Any which ways… I just end up PRETENDING to be happy… just to see them smile…

Hollow feelings….!

Shallow words…!

Pointless arguments… without a sensible beginning or a definite end…

They say… God never burdens you more than what you can stand…

Did God .. by any chance… over estimate my strength…?

I hope not…!

I pray not…!

LUCK… does that word even have a real meaning…?! I don’t think so any longer…

God Bless..!

Going Cuckoo

9 Oct

Today… I am going to be direct without direction, and will be speaking without specification…

Don’t get my point?

I don’t either…!

They say no one is perfect…

How can that be?

God created us…

God is perfect… he doesn’t make mistakes…

So… he couldn’t have made a mistake while making us right?

Does that mean we are perfect the way we are?

If so… then why are some of us discontented with ourselves?

OMG… if we are where we are supposed to be… and if we are doing what god intends us to do… then do we really have to worry about any thing?

I mean… god has already pre planned our lives right?

So… what do we do now?

Just go with the flow?

(I kno this seems like a really random / vague topic to discuss out here… but what the hell… freedom of press is what I am going to call it! *winks*)

So… if my soul mate is out there some where… and if god intends for us to be together … no matter how horribly I behave with him… he’ll still always be there for me…? Now thats a relief! 😛

They talk about freedom… but where’s the freedom if god gets to decide for us?

(This post does not intend to offend any religious beliefs… its just food for thought!)

We could go on and on forever about such vague things…

There isn’t a possible definite conclusion to any of this…

Why I wrote about all this today?

Uh… I don’t know… who cares…

You ended up reading it to the end anyways… haha…

I feel low… but I don’t know why…

6 Oct

Have you ever felt this way?

You just know there is something wrong about this day…

But you just can’t point a finger at it …

There has been a lot going on with me recently…

Maybe it’s because I miss some of my friends (Tj and G3)

Maybe it’s because I don’t turn 18 until next year… (Oh I HATE this one)

Maybe it’s because I dint like what I had for lunch today…

Maybe I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today…


Hey! Wait…! There is only 1 side to my bed… there is a solid wall on the other side!!  =___=

I am losing it…

I guess this day is doomed to be overshadowed by the thick dark clouds of uncertainty …

Thick dark PURPLE clouds… I like purple! 🙂

I know what you are thinking… you probably never want to read my blog posts ever again…

Well… boo hoo for you!

I write to feel better… and it sure helps…!

I think it’s going to take a while longer for those purple clouds to go away…

But I wish all my readers a HAPPIER day!

(Happier as compared to mine… so… that could mean a little or a lot!!)

The Change

17 Aug

It’s a brand new day…

And it’s such a drastic change…

  1. From mommy waking me up in the morning to get dressed for school… to me setting my own alarm clock and waking up at the first ring…
  2. From waiting for the school bus… to rushing to take the earliest possible metro…
  3. From waiting for recess at school… to forgetting to eat because of the work load…

I know I sound like a 40- something analyzing my lifestyle and missing my childhood…

But… I have realized… you don’t have to be 40 to feel the difference…

I’m not even a graduate yet… I have recently completed my high school studies… and had the chance to do a summer job…

Most of my days were spent missing just being around friends… seeing each and EVERY ONE of them EVERY morning! (Even the ones I dint like that much!)

I used to start working on my school assignments the same day that they had to be submitted…

Or… even better… I used to copy most of them from my classmates!!

I never even thought about it twice!

And now… since I am working… I HAVE to do whatever I am asked to do…

I can’t postpone any of it…!!

There are situations when I feel lost… and I don’t know what to do …

But I don’t have the option to turn back and check with a friend how to go about it…

NO… I’m not being tortured by my boss… he is pretty helpful actually… but then… it’s just “not the same anymore… “

And when I make the same statement in front of my parents… they go like… “What did you expect?”

I don’t know… I don’t know what I expected… really…

Oh and I have lost count of all the embarrassing moments I have had! =_=

  1. I had to call an elevator contractor named: “Su Kim” … and I asked for Ms. Su Kim… And later found out it was a Mr. Su Kim
  2. There can be names like “Nacho” and “Cholo”
  3. People shriek like maniacs if there is jalapeno in their subway sandwich!
  4. If a coworker orders cake for his birthday… there are people who will fight for the canned cherry topping!

Those are just a few…

All in all … it isn’t such a bad experience actually… not bad at all…

  1. I was the youngest intern… so I get treated extra nicely… !
  2. I get paid even for weekends…
  3. The feeling that money earned with hard work give you is… irreplaceable!
  4. The joy of being “INDEPENDENT”
  5. Adding to your pocket money without having to explain to your dad why you need an allowance raise…!

Just feels so good!

I miss school… but I am happy doing what I do as of now…

Collogues can never replace classmates…

Tea break can never replace recess…

Overtime can never replace detention…

But we don’t really have a choice here…

Like any other person out there…

I wanted to be a “grown up” when I was younger…

And now… I want to go out in the evenings and play hop scotch!

There are as many positives as there are negatives…

And I don’t know if I have really come to terms with this change…

I don’t know if I ever will…

But I don’t intend to give up…

I always have and always will enjoy every new sunshine filled morning…!

Life always gives you challenges right?

I intend to overcome each and every one of them with a smile… =)

I Don’t Know …

8 Jul

I don’t know…

What do you really mean when you say that…?

Earlier People used it as a answer for question they really dint know about…

Like if someone asked me… what is the diameter of the earth?

I would try thinking about it for a minute or two then just shrug my shoulders resort to saying

“I don’t know”  … because I don’t…

But not any more… now… it wouldn’t really think for those two minutes… I would just google the earth’s diameter…

Googling… the god of new age…

There’s nothing it doesn’t know…

It over flows with facts and latest news from around the world…

But recently… the internet has gone a step further and provides you with loads of self help articles too…

Whether you need help using a software or you need help asking out the love of your life

It knows everything… you have a problem… google it… there are probably a million people out there who have come across the same issue … solved it… and then written articles about it to be posted on the net so that it is available to all the other helpless souls out there…

awww… how sweet…

yea right…

I  would have humble answered the question stating the I don’t know the diameter or the  earth… and then maybe asked another person if they knew the answer to it… or maybe flipped through a geography book to find out for myself…

But no… since I am served the answer within seconds… I can boast that there isn’t a thing I can’t possibly know… or rather there isn’t possibly any thing I cant find out in seconds

This isn’t truly being smart…  but then again… what exactly is “being smart”

Does being smart mean having a super fast internet connection so that you can google stuff… or does being smart mean having a parrot like memorizing capacity… hm… I don’t know…

I am going to have to google the meaning of being smart now… haha…

The irony of it all…

Blog… Sleep… Blog… Eat… Blog… Pee… Blog…

25 May

A professional blogger is a full time blogger. He/she blogs for a living. The blogs are limited to posts about professional topics and the person keeps away from writing personal stuff.

A typical professional blogger will begin his by checking e- mails, replying to them and checking whether anyone has linked up to his blog via trackbacks. He will then go on to check the last night’s comments and reply to EACH and EVERY one of them. He will keep checking his income and blog traffic obsessively throughout the day. He will then think of a couple of ideas and start posting his first story for the day. He may then take a nap, join clubs, post “interesting” links, pee, puke… whatever… then write another post and call it a day.

Disclaimer: Typical days might differ from geek blogger to geek blogger! =_=

Just typing that bored me to death!!

I mean seriously… imagine a life like that.

Okay… fine… some people earn well from it… but it does sound like a really monotonous life you know!

These ProBloggers earn through strategically placed ads on their blogs in tune with the nature of their blog topic.

I may be classified as a rookie blogger…. But I can’t imagine writing about one particular topic everyday of my life.

Like I was told… a media planner can write a blog on advertising trends, a market professional on market research, IT student can start a technology blog … etc…

I agree with the following statement :

“You are your own learner and the internet is your teacher”

But professional blogging is not how I’d like to apply it.

For those of you keen on giving it a try… here’s a little something for you:

Amit Agarwal is one of India’s first Professional Blogger. He runs his blog “Digital Inspiration” where he writes about personal technology, web- based consumer gadgets and the like.

The Asian College of Journalism, Chennai offers a postgraduate diploma in New Media.

The Indian Institute of New Media and Journalism offers a graduate and postgraduate diploma in New media.


And then there is this guy… who has recently been getting great coverage in Indian magazines and newspapers.

Name: Mohnish Nagpal

Age: 18

Interest: advising millions of readers through his blog on the topic “Blogging for money”


He says he stumbled into the world of blogging at the age of 13.

I’m not sure if I knew what blogging meant at that age…. Hm…

I sound so awkwardly professional today… don’t I?

I must be sick…

this picture disgusts me... don't know why...

Cookie Monster always tell me I write too formally… guess she hasn’t read a professional blog yet 😛

Confessions of a Procrastinator

4 May

I am to be honest… a hard-core procrastinator…

It’s not something I am really proud of… but it’s just the real me

My ability to procrastinate is the most important of issues that just simply cracks me up at times.

Then again it is one thing to laugh at yourself and another to goof up deliberately

Procrastination results in one or a combination of these situations:

  1. Stress
  2. Guilt
  3. Stress and guilt
  4. Guilt and stress (haha…)
  5. lies
  6. crisis
  7. disappointments
  8. blaming the most gullible person you know (I have tried this)
  9. arguments
  10. unwanted lectures
  11. Telling the person concerned “I dint know it was supposed to be done!”  (any student reading this know exactly what I am talking about!)

And guess what?!

(you are supposed to say “what?” now.)

a study undertaken in 1992 showed that “52% of surveyed students indicated having a moderate to high need for help concerning procrastination”. It is estimated that 80%-95% of college students engage in procrastination, approximately 75% considering themselves procrastinators.

I am pretty sure the numbers have increased to date

lol... 😛

If you ask my friends .. they are most likely to tell you that I am “Ms. Organized”

But… what they won’t tell you is … I procrastinate tasks that need attention on priority basis in a very organized manner! That’s a handy trick actually.

It appears as if I have everything in control. Even  though I am delaying my plans to start working to a point when I have nervous breakdowns and need pep talks from people I trust. If they happen to ask me why I dint start earlier… I tell them I had a lot more important stuff to attend to. They never take a step further to ask me what that important “stuff” was. Thank god for that!

There is a famous saying :

Procrastination is the thief of time

Hmm… no wonder I am always running short of time to do things!

The most important thing that I have been procrastinating for a very long time would be to start dieting or to exercise.

A close friend shares the same troubles.

We make frequent promises to each other… reassuring ourselves in the process that we will give up chocolates, ice creams, cakes, fudges, brownies, cookies and the like in a conversation that reads as follows:

Me :  I need to lose weight

She : me too!

Me :  what should we do?

She : ok… we should stop eating chocolates

Me : ok…. done!

(3 days later)

Me :  I haven’t had chocolates for a really long time now..!

She :  me neither… well… except for a small bite … *nervous laughter*

Me : hey! No fair!

She : ok… no more from tomorrow for sure!

(the next day)

She : I was out with “p” and we went to Baskin Robbins… I couldn’t help it

Me : yea… well… I have a party to go to…

She : yea… we can start next week…!

(go back to the first statement and reread a million times!)

This may not be considered true procrastination…  its probably just lack of determination if you ask me.  Any how… we successfully delay our plans to give up the tittle of being a plus-size.

Your ability to procrastinate increases proportionate to the number of years you spend in school, college or at work (unless you are a passionate geek)

Take for example … assignments to be completed during summer holidays:

Your teacher says : work on it an hour a day for two months and you will be able to meet the  deadline!

You think : I just got done with studying for exams I am taking time off to relax now!

Your friends says : the assignment is the size of a mammoth

You think : I have 2 MONTHS!

You check the assignment

Tell yourself it’s a piece of cake!

Your friend has started working on it

You think you should get the print outs of the guidelines

The printer at your place isn’t working.

Maybe it hates you

You tell your parents after a week (you obviously had more important things to do!)

you get it repaired

your sibling uses it for the following

  • Brother :  prints –  pictures of dead wrestlers …. Lyrics to an Michael Jackson song… tattoo skulls … footballers…  his summer assignments…
  • Sister : prints – her summer assignment …  butterflies for her scrap-book…

You try printing your assignment

You printer blots extra ink! (talk about being hated)

You figure you will have to walk to the photocopy shop

Ugh… that’s so far away… and its so sunny today… !

You make it to the shop 3 weeks later…

You were obviously mentally preparing yourself for it all this while!

You just never happened to go near it

You get the prints

You think : 50% of your work is done…! Great work!

You still have like a month to complete it!

You remember what your teacher said

You think I can work 1 hour a day for a month and still complete it!

You need to go shopping

You have parties and sleepovers to go to

15 days left

Aaah… you can work 2 hours a day for 15 days!

You call a friend to ask how much they have completed.

They tell you they have just the conclusion left

You don’t sleep that night

Your cousin comes over the next day

You go out with her

You are really tired now

You sleep till 2 pm the next day

2 days left

You call people to check how many of them share your plight

You then call a friend who has completed and tell her you need to borrow her assignment

School reopens

You borrow the assignment

You teacher forgets to collect the assignment

You have another week to complete

You spend 5 days talking about your holidays

Weekend is here

Start copying

Submit the next day… saving yourself from the -5 marks late submission penalty

End of story!

Raise your hand if you have done this!

Haha… now you look like a fool raising your hand in front of the screen!


I am not such a good writer. So I am not going to bore you any further.

But I will go away only after telling you this

I had the idea for this post for quite some time now.

Never the less I delayed writing it…!

Ok… now I am bored…

and hungry… !!

now where did I last see the cookie jar….?

Sight & Song

11 Apr

Painting is the practice of applying paint, pigment, color or other medium to a surface.

That’s how Wikipedia defines it

I like Atul Panase’s explanation better

He says… painting is about transferring “pain” onto a surface.

Think about it… most (not all… but most) artist and other great achievers in the creative field have had tragedy filled lives!

Vincent Van Gogh – suffered from anxiety and increasingly frequent bouts of mental illness throughout his life, and died largely unknown, at the age of 37, from a self-inflicted gunshot wound!

Leonardo da Vinci – has been presumed homosexual by writers. He had great difficulty facing questions about his personal life!

Pablo Picasso – had a brewing affair with Bohemian artist. Gave her up for another love interest Olivier…. lost her to premature death. Married Olga had a son… name : Paulo… had an affair with Marie… parted ways with his wife … after his wife died… he had a daughter with Marie …. But dint marry her… then he died… and Marie hung herself four years later!

M. F. Husain – too many controversies!

Makes you wonder doesn’t it…


Pain + ting = Painting?


Paint + ing = Painting?

Here are a few of my favourites

Da Vinci


Da vinci

Atul Panase

Now… you would want to know why I am writing about poetry today…

Well… poetry and painting has been linked together by many

“Painting is poetry that is seen rather than felt, and poetry is painting that is felt rather than seen” – Leonardo Da Vinci

A poet paints a picture of what he/she feels in the minds of the reader.

There is greater freedom as different people tend to interpret it differently…

Sight and Song is a book By Michael Field That studies the interrelationship between painting and poetry

Poetry is a form of literary art in which language is used for its aesthetic and evocative qualities in addition to, or in lieu of, its apparent meaning. Poetry may be written independently, as discrete poems, or may occur in conjunction with other arts, as in poetic drama, hymns, lyrics, or prose poetry.

Robert Frost once said : A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness

Hm… that got me thinking… most of my poems are written when I feel suffocated or overburdened. It’s a crazed gush of emotions that finds refuge in lyrical form.

I know that sounds extremely dramatic… but it’s really what it is…

Paul Valery says –  A poem is never finished, only abandoned.

I partly agree with him… the poet’s emotions don’t end with the last verse…

The last verse just marks the end of whatever he wants to share…

Poetry springs from genuine feeling. You cant fake emotions now can you?

Genuine poetry can communicate the intended message even before it is understood.
it’s the magic of it all..!

A poet dares to use words and phrases that you wouldn’t actually use in a normal conversation.

I will end this post in agreement to the saying a pen (brush) is mightier than a sword!